It's been a while since I posted last. My job is picking up which leaves me less time during the day for blogging. The nerve!
Blanche had her four month Dr appt. Her stats are: 14 lbs 7 oz, 25.5 inches long. She is the exact same percentages as her two month visit - 75th for weight and 90th for height. We've solidly moved into 3-6 month clothing and I've cleaned out all 0-3 month from her drawers.
BG is in soccer this summer. Kind of. One of the neighbors volunteered to put together a weekly soccer "team" for the 3-4 year olds in the neighborhood - since the city leagues don't start until age 5. So we have been going to soccer for a few weeks and it's pretty hit or miss. The first week she refused to leave my lap (but it was cold and windy). The second week she had a great time. I missed the third week because I had to work, but she got team shirt and was really excited about wearing it. Next week will be the last week. It's been really fun to see her play with all the other neighbor kids.
In a few weeks, BG will start a summer dance class. I was so excited to find a dance program over the summer on the right day (the only day I'm off work) just a few miles from our house. BG is really excited too and talks about it.
We are getting close to BG's birthday (June 22). Everything now is in relation to her birthday. When will Aunt R have her baby? Before BG's birthday. When does dance start? Before her birthday. When does school start? After her birthday. When is Christmas? After her birthday. You get the idea. I think I've talked her into a pink cupcake party. My cousin just did a party for her daughter with the same theme and it was adorable so I'm thinking of borrowing some ideas.
We finally got our garden planted. Hurray! I'm excited to have fresh veggies this summer. We even noticed some tiny peach buds on our peach trees this year. Sadly, we had to pick them off because the trees are too young to support fruit this year. But next year.... I'm excited.
JM is working a million crazy hours. He has been working on a start up company for several years now and we are almost to a critical point. We just got our first sale and things are looking really good. We're hoping the snowball of sales is just beginning. Sadly that just means he'll be working even more. But that's ok. Hopefully sometime soon he will be able to quit his current job and work for his company full time.
Last but not least, some cute new pictures!