Friday, October 23, 2009

Open Letter

Dear Vandals-

Really?! I know that pumpkin smashing is all the rage this time of year among teenagers, but did you have to smash ours? BG lovingly picked them out and tells me every morning "The big one is BG's, the other big one is Mommy's and the little one is Daddy's." You really had to take away the joy for a 3 year old? We hadn't even carved them yet. I was going to roast those seeds.

And another thing, why only ours? When I check the neighborhood this morning I didn't see any other large orange gourds with their guts spilled. Not that I wish it upon my neighbors, but why not everyone's if you already out causing mischief?

I'm disappointed. Disappointed that you would bring something like that to our quiet, suburban neighborhood.

You Owe Me Two Large Pumpkins

On another note, Happy Birthday to my sister! And happy (hopeful) birthday to the new baby my friend is having today.


  1. That makes me want to go hide ours in our backyard!
    Maybe you need to print up this blog post and put a copy on your next set of pumpkins so they see what schmucks they are!

    (I have never understood that type of destruction!)

  2. You should send it to the paper as an editorial.

  3. I hate it when idiots do things like that. They are the only ones that think it is funny that is for sure.

  4. booooooooooooo. i hate when kids are just dumb.

  5. Thanks for the birthday wishes! Wish you could've been here! Carlos threw me a surprise party and I totally had no idea....

  6. Seriously?! I'm so sorry! Poor BG!


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