Tuesday, November 3, 2009


BG had a hard time deciding what to be for Halloween this year. I had been asking for weeks and she couldn't decide on just one thing. After a while, I suggested she wear her Tinkerbell costume with the wings that she has to play dress up. She was thrilled with the idea and immediately started telling people she was going to be a butterfly.

Thankfully it didn't snow on Halloween, but it was a bit chilly. Luckily BG happens to own a green hoodie that not only fit under her costume, but matched perfectly. She looked really cute and was so excited to go trick-or-treating.

We had a fun time going around the neighborhood and BG got a good stash of goodies. I may or may not have eaten more of her candy than she has at this point.


  1. That is one of the cutest costumes I have seen in a long time!

  2. How cute! I'm so glad you found a little sweater to keep her warm that didn't cover her costume! I always hated it when it was so cold that you had to wear a big old coat over the costume!

    BTW - we Trick or Treated in 80 degrees. Okay - 75 once it got dark. Neener.


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