Friday, November 20, 2009

It's Growing

I thought it might be time for an updated belly shot for those of you who don't live near by. I have gotten large enough and obviously pregnant enough that strangers now feel comfortable commenting. I have gotten several questions about my due date from complete strangers. So, here I am in all my end-of-a-long-day and tired glory at 31 weeks.

Those pants I'm wearing, they are my favorite thing ever. They are maternity sweat pants. Can you think of anything that screams "I'm lounging at home" more than that? I think I may actually miss them when I don't fit into them anymore.


  1. You look adorable! (And I have a pair of sweat pants just like that! They're heavenly!)

  2. You are such a cute pregger lady!!

  3. Cute belly!

    Where do you buy maternity sweat pants? I just keep wearing my husband's pajama pants that he bought at Costco :)


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