Saturday, November 28, 2009

Mom's Cheeseball

There are many food dishes that are traditional this time of year. One of my favorites both growing up and still today is cheeseball and crackers. It's hard to go wrong with cheese, but growing up on my mom's homemade cheeseball had made me particular about cheeseball.

It is actually a pretty simple recipe, but so delicious! The recipe originally comes from a Betty Crocker cookbook.

2 packages cream cheese
1 cup shredded cheddar (I never measure and I'm sure use much more.)
1 package crumbled blue cheese (4 oz)
1/4 cup minced onion
1 TBSP Worcestershire Sauce
Chopped Walnuts

Let cream cheese come to room temperature. Combine everything except walnuts in a mixer. Cover and refrigerate overnight. The next day, place chopped walnuts on a plate. Take out cheese mixture and roll into balls. This will make three medium balls or any other size you choose. Roll cheese balls in the chopped walnuts. Place on platter with crackers and enjoy!

I love this recipe and it has become the dish my in-laws request I bring for Thanksgiving. I usually take two and keep one at home just for me our family. Link up to Bake at 350 for more delicious traditional recipes.


  1. That looks SOOO yummy!

    (And I've been a bad friend - I promise I'll write you back soon! I hope you guys are doing good!)

  2. So perfect for entertaining!!! I have never made a cheese ball...I think I need to try! :)

  3. This sounds so good, I love blue cheese! I will definitely have to give this a try!

  4. Cheeseballs are pretty high on my list of reasons for attending holiday parties! :D Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  5. I read this...Knew I wanted to make this...Then when I tried to remember where I had seen the yummy recipe...I forgot! I had to go through my reader for a while to I found your title again!

    Can't wait to try it!
    I printed it up this time!
    I may try one with the walnuts and one with almonds!


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