Monday, January 4, 2010

Mean Big Sisters

I am both a big sister to a brother and a little sister to a brother and sister (third out of four if you didn't follow that). My sister and I would often gang up on our little brother and do horrible things to him. Looking back, I do have a sense of remorse. Here are just some of the things we did to him growing up.
  1. Play "Guess the Food": This game involved him closing his eyes and opening his mouth. My sister and I would put the worst things we could think of in his mouth. They were all things that came out of the kitchen, so we weren't poisoning him. We were surprised that he liked the pickle juice
  2. Tease Him Until He Cried: My parents took a nap on Sunday afternoon. It was well known whoever interrupted their nap would feel the full wrath of Dad's anger. So my sister and I took advantage of that time to tease baby bro until he cried. This happened regularly - like weekly. If he woke up mom and dad to tell on us, he got in more trouble for interrupting the nap than we did for teasing him.
  3. Embellishing His Lineage: He is our biological brother in every possible way. However, we enjoyed telling him he was adopted. Our preferred story, however, was that he was a Martian. For years he was told he was an alien that was hatched from an egg.
  4. The Bad Little Brother: We used to tell our little brother that he was not the youngest. In fact, our family did have a brother younger than him that was given away/adopted out because of misbehavior. We threaten him that he would also be given away if he wasn't good/did what we wanted.

I'm not sure how much of this my parents were aware of at the time. I'm pretty sure they know about all these "games" now. Looking back at all the horrible things we did, it makes me worried about my own kids. Are they going to have these kinds of "games" that they play with each other?

Did any of you big sisters out there play similar games on your younger siblings? Were you the victim of such games. Or an I just admitting to the horrible nature of my family?


  1. Wow, I really missed out. I am the oldest. I could have been much more cruel!

  2. I'm the baby, and I disprove of this blog. haha

  3. My older sister would sit on me & threaten to wipe her boogers on my face unless I would sit and tickle her feet for what seemed like hours at a time. And when we played tag-team wrestling, me and my youngest sister were always a team against two of the oldest. I was #4 of 5 kids. BUT, as I grew up I became vindictive & everytime my older sister would be horribly mean, I would simply walk in the bathroom and dip her toothbrush in the toilet. I've never told her, but I still feel satisfaction to this day :o)

  4. Yeah, I was awful to my brothers, and my little sister is just so sweet and naive it was too easy - I HAD to give her a hard time! There's 6 years between her and my little brother, so we used to tell her we had another sister but we locked her in the basement with the snakes cause she wouldn't do the dishes. She didn't TOTALLY believe us, but she didn't totally NOT believe us either...

  5. hilarious. my brother is seven years younger and i know i gave him so much grief.

    thanks so much for visiting and taking time to introduce yourself. It's so nice to meet you.

  6. Ha ha- good times good times. I don't remember number 4 though - the youngest child being adopted out for misbehavior. That must have been you alone. How DARE you scheme without me!!! That is the only area where you should feel remorse.


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