Thursday, April 8, 2010

First Day Back - By the Numbers

1: Number of days I've been back at work
2: Number of kids I left behind this morning
4: Number of times I almost started crying on my commute
5: Number of times I was welcomed back (so far)
72: Number of unopened emails
100's: Number of emails I will be deleting from the past 3 months when I declare email bankruptcy
4: Number of hours I've made it through so far
5: Number of hours still to go today

0: Number of times I've actually cried

So far, so good.


  1. I'm looking forward to going back to work b/c I love what I do...but dreading having to leave the boys for 14hrs at a time. Good luck girlie!

  2. I don't know how you do it! I LOVE my job too and enjoy getting out of the house everyday, but I'm sooo glad that I am able to only work part-time and am away for about 4.5 hours/day. I'm not sure how it will go this fall. Will paying for childcare for 3 be worth a part-time job?

  3. Keep on keepin' on Jess, I know it will get better! {{HUGS}}

  4. I feel for you. This will be me in 2 weeks!


Your comment and love is much appreciated.