Thursday, May 13, 2010

What TO Wear

I like the show What Not to Wear. Stacey and Clinton do such a great job at talking to the people about finding clothes that work for that individual person. They talk about dressing for the job you want, not the job you have. They tell contestants (is that what they are?) to embrace and dress their current body, not wait until they lose the weight most people are trying to ditch.

I would like to go on their show. Not because I think I'm such a fashion disaster, but because I want $5,000 to spend on a new wardrobe full of quality pieces. I'm by no means the best dressed person around - I routinely walk the hem off my jeans, am phobic of prints, and accessory challenged, but I think I look presentable. Do you think they would still take me?

I like that the new ones tell your what they actually got with their $5000. I had always wondered how far it stretches when some of their pieces are hundreds of dollars. I'm really excited about the hair/make-up makeover. I keep thinking that I need a stylist to look at my face shape, account for the under-ten-minutes I like to spend on my hair, then give me a cut based on that. And I need a really good lesson on how to do smokey eyes. Stacey & Clinton- I promise I'll be a good student. Someone should nominate me, but before you do, let me lose the last 10 lbs of baby weight.

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