Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Garden

We planted our garden a few weeks ago. I am so excited to have fresh veggies from the garden. This year, we also put in a garden box since our soil is pretty much solid clay. We built it up and filled it with fresh soil. Our garden went from this...

To this!

Ok, so you really can't see any difference (except for my one tomato plant). But I'm hoping a few months from now it will be bursting with corn, carrots, squash, and beans. I anxiously check for new little sprouts on a regular basis.


  1. I;m sure it will be enough to make carrot juice for years.

  2. I love that it's a raised bed. I need to do that. Grass and weeds get into mine terribly now!

  3. You did a great job on the box!! In FL we have a sandy red clay that grows great weeds and palms, but not much else. And, my back yard is almost completely shaded by oak trees, so the only thing I can grow is ferns :o(


Your comment and love is much appreciated.