Thursday, June 17, 2010

Tasty Toes and more

Blanche likes to eat her own toes. It's adorable. She thinks they are especially delicious during diaper changes. Sometimes I have to pinch the back of her thighs to get her to put her feet down to secure a new diaper.

BG talks to Blanche like I do, but it's so funny coming out of her mouth. She will get right up close to her and say "Hey there cutie little miss!" in a high pitched voice. Blanche loves it and will smile a gummy grin.

Blanche has a unilateral mullet. Meaning, she has one really long lock of hair in the back. But it's not centered, it's off the the left side. The perfectionist in me wants to cut it and even it out, but the mommy thinks it's cute and doesn't.

I'm not a reader. If I don't finish a book within a week, it's not going to happen. Case in point, I started reading Valley Boy several months ago. Tom Perkins reminds me of my husband. I have yet to finish it. Then I won a copy of When Did I Get Like This?. I started reading it and really enjoyed it. It is funny and a true reflection of motherhood. That was several weeks ago and I have yet to finish it. Both these books are sitting on the sidetable but my interest has waned.

1 comment:

  1. CJV just started munching her toes last week ... she's 6.5 months, so perhaps she's a bit behind the times ... or at least behind your Blanche :) Come see the cute pics I posted ... if toe munching makes you smile :)


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