Sunday, July 18, 2010

Look Who's Sitting

Just in the last week or so Blanche has started sitting up on her own. I am loving it! It is so nice to put her down with a toy and not have to worry (too much) about her falling over. She plays so well with toys and keeps herself entertained.

She doesn't particularly like sitting in the grass. It's prickly and kind of itchy. She makes great disgusted faces (none of which I could get on camera).

I really liked the angle of this shot. I was trying to be at least slightly more artistic.


  1. She is so, so cute!! I just wanted to pinch her chubby little cheeks.

  2. That is just the cutest little baby ever!!!

  3. I just adore her chubby cheeks!! All my sister's babies are rollie pollies...we called my neice the Michelin baby b/c of all her rolls :o)


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