Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm Falling in Love

I get stuck in clothing tangents. And by tangents I mean I'm a marketer's dream and fall in love with anything they dangle in front of me. My personal style is whatever is currently on sale (because I'm cheap on top of being impressionable).

I have noticed that I can get stuck on a color story. In high school, 95% of my wardrobe was either black, white, red or some combination. My mom made me a sewing kit when I left for college. It included 4 spools of thread and she had a hard time deciding on a 4th since everything I owned was one of the previously mentioned 3 colors. She finally decided on grey. I didn't own a stitch of pink until well into college. When I recently took inventory of my clothing, I discovered that I no longer own ANYTHING red - so I immediately went out a bought a red shirt supporting my alma mater.

I know I'm not the only one. I recall a friend in high school who went through a charcoal grey and pink phase. Most of what she bought (or made, in this case) was one of those colors.

Now I'm at it again. A large percentage of the last few things I've bought for my wardrobe have been charcoal. I'm loving it. I'm drawn to it. It goes with everything! It calls to me. Is there a color that you are loving right now?

On another clothing note, do you know how difficult it is to find red clothing for little girls? I would think it would pretty easy, especially this time of year with all the fall colors out. It's not. And since I'm a kind wife, I'm not going to make JM wear pink for family pictures, despite the availability.


  1. I like color, but I did realize that most of the things I've bought recently have been black or gray. I did buy an adorable red shirt dress at Target.

  2. I'm so the complete opposite of trendy. I always have a large amount of white, black, and brown b/c it's easy to match shoes too :o)

    When I was pregnant everything was gray and purple (b/c that's all that was available), but now, I'm lucky if I make it out of my PJ's!!

  3. Hooray, I'm famous! It's so funny that you posted this because just this morning I was noticing that I'm on a grey kick, and remembered when I did that in high school too. I also remembered my pink clothes and started wondering if it was time to buy another pink shirt since I only have one that I wear now.

  4. I just bought a new dress and was pretty excited because it's hard to find dresses that fit me. In fact, I only have one other dress. So imagine my surprise when I hung up my new purchase...only to discover both dresses are brown. Dang it.

  5. I tend to love browns and pinks...


Your comment and love is much appreciated.