Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday Framents

Have you tried Velveeta in lieu of cheese in Macaroni and Cheese lately? Don't. It's gross. My 4-year old even told me she didn't like and asked if she had to finish eating her dinner. I didn't make her.

Blanche is into EVERYTHING lately. She likes to open cabinets, drawers, pull things out, unroll toilet paper, and snatch anything within reach. It's exhausting.

It snowed today. That made me sad.

At dinner we like to talk about our days. It's pretty cute to have BG look at me and ask "Mom, how was your day?"

BG is still sucking her thumb at night. Does anyone have any ideas on how to get her to stop?

And last but not least, I'm having a jewelry trunk sale on April 1. I'm cleaning out my stash of (beautiful and lovingly handcrafted) jewelry at huge discounts. If you want to come, let me know and I'll send you an invite/details.

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