Monday, July 11, 2011

Praises Be

Yesterday was a monumental day. A day a mother dreams about for her child from the moment she is born. A day that has been longed for, counted down to, and must be celebrated. It was the day that Blanche went to Nursery. {insert wild applause.}

Technically, she isn't "of age" until Wednesday, but I just could. not. take. it. anymore. We've been wandering the halls during church for months now. After dropping her off, I circled back to look through the peek-a-boo window. She was being held by her teacher with one fat tear lingering under her eye. I quickly ducked away and headed to class, all by myself.

I learned some things yesterday attending classes without a child in tow. For example, I didn't know we are studying the New Testament this year in Sunday school. News to me. I also had the chance to look around and discover there are a lot of new people to our ward that I don't know. But what I enjoyed most of all, was just sitting, listening, and taking it in.

When I picked up Blanche from nursery, her teacher told me she did great. I knew she would. She loves toys, and snacks, and tiny chairs. Nursery is the perfect place for her.


  1. Is there a reason that nursery age isn't 12 months? In my mind they are ready to go around then, and between 12 and 18 months, all we do is pace the halls anyways...

  2. Ahhhh...the joy of being able to sit still and listen for longer than 10 seconds. And I envy you. I am too short to look through those windows so I either of to jump a couple times in order to catch a glimpse or ask a passer-by blessed with average height to look for me.

  3. NURSERY DAY! What a blessed, blessed occasion! I cheer wildly for nursery day.

    But beware. Sometimes they think the instant your child hits 18 months is the perfect instant to CALL YOU TO BE IN NURSERY.

    Because it's not like I do nursery THE OTHER SIX AND A HALF DAYS A WEEK in my regular life. Sigh.

  4.!!!!! Not happening until November though. :)

    Speaking of church, I suppose we need to call each other and start planning something for reunion. I have a few ideas. . .

  5. The boys have ONE MONTH til they go to nursery. I stopped going to SS & RF b/c I couldn't wrestle them by myself anymore. I've been looking forward to that day since both of them started walking!


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