Monday, December 28, 2009

Nursery Reveal

We got the nursery painted and all the furniture put together. We don't have bedding yet (that's Grandma's job) but I wanted to show the pictures of what we have done. We re-painted everything and it was a lot of work to get the three tone done. I have decided that I won't paint base boards again until they are being replaced.

I'm thrilled with how the room turned out. JM likes it too. Sometimes I like to just sit in there. It's so peaceful and quiet right now. It holds all the promise of a new little life just waiting to arrive.

I still want to get some decorations to go in there, but that will come. Once we decide on a name (we haven't yet) I want to put that in vinyl on the top chocolate part. There is only the tiniest part of me that is concerned that we painted the nursery pink. What if it turns out Blanche is a boy? I guess I'll have to send JM home from the hospital to buy blue paint and get to work.


  1. awesome 3-tone colors and I love the bead board--congrats on your hard work!

  2. I love love love it! It turned out beautiful!

  3. It does look serene. I want my room to look that serene.

  4. It looks amazing! I love the pink and chocolate colors together...Can I come stay till the baby's born? :)

  5. Ooh, it's beautiful! I am so impressed.

  6. That is so cute! We are doing chocolate and pink also! They are great colors! Great job!

  7. Ha ha ha now I'm hoping that it is a surprise boy because I know how much Justin luuuuuuvs to paint !!!
    Just kidding- it looks great the way it is

  8. P.S. I left you an award on my blog! :)

  9. I love it! I love bead board and paneling and all that kind of stuff. You did a great job and I might have to copy if we ever get our own house! I just heard the news so congratulations - it's a girl and you won't have to repaint! :)


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