Monday, December 21, 2009

One Month and Counting

Last night we had a conversation that went like this.

JM: Are you ready to have the baby?
Me: For the rest of the child's life, I would not want a Christmas baby, but today, I'd be happy with it.

In honor of such a conversation, I offer you a list of things of things to know you are ready for the baby, Redneck style. (IE- You might be a redneck if...)

You might be ready to have the baby if:
  • A regular size bath towel no longer fits around you.
  • The doctors at your office are now on their second round of commenting "You sure are getting big."
  • You are disappointed every morning to wake up to a dry bed and no contractions.
  • Counting down to the due date is more exciting than the countdown to Christmas.
  • You are looking forward to working out to get your pre-pregnancy body back.
  • Dropping something on the floor means it's going to stay there.
  • You can no longer reach across your own body to buckle your seat belt.
  • You can't hold your toddler on your lap because it's full of baby.

I'm to the point of being tired of being pregnant. I am not actually ready to have the baby yet - there is still a long to-do list. But being pregnant has lost it's fun.


  1. I'm sorry! I hope you have a Merry Christmas anyway. :)

  2. What about...You really have to constrain yourself from punching every person that says, "Haven't you had that baby YET?!?!?!"

  3. 'You are disappointed every morning to wake up to a dry bed and no contractions' - I love the dry bed bit! Being pregnant sounds sooo fun! :)

  4. Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2010.


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