Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fire in the Hole

My child only poops after her diaper has been removed.

My child wakes up at 6pm and refuses to go back to sleep until 1am.

My child easily sleeps through the singing, playing, and noise making of a three year old. Her eyes pop wide open when it gets quiet.

Life with a newborn is a bit rough, and I'm tired.


  1. Hope you can get some rest soon! Take care!!

  2. Hang in gets easier. I love that she wakes up for quiet! Maybe she needs a noise machine next to her crib!
    I have had a bag here for you for a while. Maybe tomorrow I will bring it by!

  3. You will make it! It gets better! I don't know of many adults who scream from 6pm until 1am, so it must end sometime. :)

    Can't wait to see her!

  4. Can you imagine having two of them? I'm a little nervous!

  5. my 2nd had a similar problem, we just put on white noise (from the radio) while he slept--kind of odd, but it worked.

  6. Oh, girl, do I HEAR ya on ... pretty much all of that! Except for the pooping part ... yuck! Glad CJV doesn't put me through that!


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