Saturday, January 23, 2010

Looking Great After Labor: A Tutorial

Many of you kind people have commented on how I look good in the pictures below after giving birth. First off, thank you for the kind words. I really appreciate it. Since I'm a giving person, I decided to let you in on my simple two step process on how to look good after delivery. It really is quite simple, and anyone can do it!

Step 1: Opt for an elective induction. This way you can plan when you will deliver and make sure to have your hair and make-up done in advance. (I may have also gotten a pedicure and shaved my legs in preparation.)

Step 2: Take no more than 4 hours to deliver the baby. We arrived at the hospital at 8am. By 8:30 my Dr had broken my water and I was on Pitocin at 9am. At 11:00 I got an epidural (also helpful for looking good after). Blanche was born at 12:53 (after waiting 30 minutes for the Dr before pushing). My nurse laughed at me when I told her upon arrival I would have a baby by lunchtime. I sure showed her!

While I am taking time off for maternity leave, I am doing my best to spend it with my girls. I may or may not be blogging much, but I will try to stop in every so often with updates and new pictures. Here are a few to fulfill your cute quota.


  1. She is beautiful! Look at all that hair1

  2. CONGRATS!! She is BEAUTIFUL!! All of that dark hair reminds me SO much of my first daughter. She had a TON of black hair and the best part--she never lost it.

  3. such a cutie pie, and thanks for the tips except I don't wear makeup and will probably kill anyone trying to take a picture of me :o)

  4. Awww...give those cuties plenty of snuggles for me!

  5. Ummmm, yeah, I was induced ... had a perfectly lovely birthing experience without pitocin or an epidural ... perhaps that's why I didn't look as fabulous as you post-delivery ;)


Your comment and love is much appreciated.