Sunday, January 17, 2010

Blanche is Here

Blanche made her grand entrance into the world last week. Here are her stats:

Born: January 14, 2010, 12:53 pm
7lbs 6oz, 19 inches long

We are home from the hospital and doing well. We have been spending lots of time hanging out, watching TV, and working to adjust to life as a family of four. BG LOVES her baby sister and wants to hold her all the time. She is very helpful - sometimes too much so. Here are the pictures that everyone really cares about. (Email me if you want to know her name - I won't be using it on the blog.)


  1. Jessica, she is beautiful! Newborns usually aren't that cute, but she's already sweet and chubby! The best kind!

  2. CONGRATS! I love the name, and a beautiful girl :)

  3. What a sweet, sweet baby! I agree with Kristina, she is one of the cutest newborns I've ever seen! Congratulations - and I'm emailing you now!

  4. Hooray! I've been waiting for a post that she was here. So happy for you!

  5. Sooo cute, especially the one with BG holding her! So glad you and baby are doing well!

  6. Congrats! She's beautiful. I hope that the adjustment to two is a smooth one for you. Keep posting the pictures!

  7. Awww, look at both of those little sweethearts! Congratulations to you and your family!

  8. Awwwww! Congrats!
    (and it is soooo not even fair how fabulous you look in that picture with your newborn!)


Your comment and love is much appreciated.