Monday, January 11, 2010

New Church Time

I'm a religious person. I faithfully go to church every week. I fulfill my calling and do my best to choose the right.

But I must admit, 1:00 pm church is difficult. It sounds like it would be nice. Sleeping in sounds like a great plan. You would think all that extra time would mean we would be on time or even early. But that's just not the case.

Instead, 1pm church is right at nap time. The normal daily schedule involves lunch, then nap. That is difficult to accomplish when church starts at 1:00. For the last two weeks we have tried doing an early nap, then lunch and church. But that isn't working out so well. What happens is BG finally falls asleep at 11:45 and only gets an hour nap (not long enough) before we are forcing her to get up, dressed, hair done, and eat. It doesn't go over very well. The other option is no nap at all, but I fear unleashing that wrath on her Sunbeam teachers.

I'm sure having a new baby soon won't create any more complications. Or the fact that we won't be going to church for a while. (I'm not taking my newborn during flu/H1N1/RSV season to church.) I guess come spring we'll have to keep working on this scheduling issue.


  1. Jessica, That time is difficult to work with. We are so lucky in Waynesboro with only one ward. When my moms' ward goes to late schedule (2:00) she calls it the mantinee session. :)

  2. Once you get it all worked out it will be time to change times again. That is always how it seemed to work when we were younger anyways.

  3. 11 is so the perfect time. 9 am is killing me!

  4. I forgot how much I LOVE 11am, and the 1pm is a very very very hard time for the little kids. Good luck!

  5. That sucks. Maybe you can just use the h1n1 excuse until next January. Works for me....
    Maybe you should move to CA where there are no 1:00 wards because even if they had enough members no one would go.....

  6. I agree! We have that same time slot and it's ruining Baby's day. She normally take a quick nap in the morning and then does down for her big snooze just about the time we're strolling into Sunday School. And since she's still too young for the nursery, it's rough. Last week I took a baggie of her favorite snacks and that worked wonderfully - until the ran out about halfway through RS...

    Also? Our pediatrician strongly suggested we not take Baby to church at all until after the RSV season (so not until Spring). We did just that, alternating who stayed with Baby.


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