Friday, June 25, 2010

BGs 2nd party

Like I said in my earlier post, we had two parties for BG. The second was a family party which includes a BBQ. There were plenty of presents and BG loved posing for the many cameras.

I made this tutu for BG and she loved it. She also got a leotard with attached skirt for her dance class.

Since summer finally arrived, we bought an inflatable for BG. She was really excited about it. She also got goggles to go with it.

In keeping with the pink theme, we had strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting. It was pretty tasty. I was mostly proud of myself for baking a cake and frosting from scratch.
Happy birthday BG! We love you!


  1. What a fun bunch of parties! Happy birthday BG!!

    (That cake looks YUMMY! I'm going to have to look up the recipe!)

  2. I looooove seeing those pictures through the years! AGH! They do grow up waaaaay to fast!!!!


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