Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It Made My Day

Yesterday I picked up my dry cleaning, paid for it, and took it to my car. I didn't think much of it until something caught my eye as I was putting the clothes in the trunk. I picked up the top bag the contained one item.

Upon further inspection, I discovered that one item was a sock. A single sock. That got dry cleaned. Who dry cleans their socks? Who only does one? I laughed all the way home.

* We did not intentionally send a single sock to the cleaners. It got mixed in with the wrong basket. I can only imagine what the cleaners thought when they saw it! For those who are curious, it costs $.50 to dry clean a single sock.


  1. I blame things like that on mommy brain ;o)

  2. Well, now...aren't you fancy!

    (And did you email me about Cake Wrecks? I didn't know who the person was but thought it might be you...)

  3. That's hilarious - and a useful piece of trivia, I think!

  4. Well, it's been a long time since I stopped by these parts ... too long, and I am sorry about that. This story makes me laugh, and it's always nice to know I am not alone in my MommyBrain affliction :) 50 cents, really!?

  5. Oh my gosh that was so funny! Good thing they didn't try and charge you some $7 for it!!! ha ha ha ha


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