Monday, June 21, 2010

Party Time!

BG's birthday is on Tuesday. We celebrated on Saturday, and now she thinks she's 4. (I figure it's a minor technicality so I don't correct her.) It's hard to believe that only four years ago she was a tiny little thing in my arms. JM and I left the hospital feeling surreal and almost didn't believe they would let us take home a newborn.

Here we are (nearly) four years later with a grown up little girl. No longer a baby and not even a toddler. She is assertive, sweet, loud, and a joy to be around. This year was the first year we had a friend party and it was a lot of fun. We invited 8 kids but only 3 were able to come. It turned out to be a good number for a 1st friend party (for me and her!).

She wanted her hair curly for her party so we put it it rollers the night before. I always have to take pictures since it has fallen out by the end of the day or more often, after nap.

We had a Pinkalicious party and it was lots of fun. First, we decorated crowns while until all the party guests arrived.

Then we read the book Pinkalicious to get everyone excited about pink. After, we went outside to decorate pink cupcakes. Everyone got a pink apron with a cupcake on it. We ate our pink cupcakes with pink sorbet.
After cupcakes and ice cream, we opened presents. This was a favorite part for BG (obviously). All in all, it was a really fun party.
After all our party guest left, we cleaned up, and had lunch. Then I send BG to her room for a nap, so I could get ready for the second party of the day - the family BBQ party.


  1. A pink party sounds wonderful and looks like it was...but two in a day? Yikes!

  2. So cute!! I love the cute little aprons!

  3. What a fun party! Love the curly hair ... NHV has that same shirt ... Children's Place, I think :) May have to "borrow" your crown decorating idea ... NHV is soon to be THREE and she is all about princesses right now!

  4. That curly hair reminds me of Glinda from WICKED. You have to see it and then you will understand! Glad to see she had such a great day!


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