Monday, June 7, 2010


We went bowling as a family a few months ago and I just found the pictures when I was cleaning out my photo card. BG had a great time. I have a bowling app on my iPod that she loves playing. She is surprisingly good at the app version of bowling. She was so excited to go bowling for real.

Picking up her ball all by herself.
A high five from dad after a frame.

Concentrating hard on the frame.

Mom helping with a frame.


  1. That looks like fun and that ball is gigantic next to her!

  2. I can't believe I've never taken my kids bowling before! Looks like fun!!

  3. The last time I went bowling I asked for 2 kid sized bowling balls from behind the counter for the boys. The employee wouldn't give them to me because he thought I was a teenager trying to get multiple bowling balls for myself to play with. He really didn't believe I was getting them for my 2 kids.


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