Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nightstand Make-over

When we did the great room switch last fall, I had a vision in mind for BG's room. I painted her toddler bed and we bought a dresser. We painted her room and it was looking good. I wanted to get a nightstand table to go next to her bed. I found this one at DI and decided to buy it to paint.

I sanded it and got it primed. Then it sat all winter. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to finishing projects. I finally got it painted on Memorial Day. This weekend I went to Home Depot to get a knob for the drawer. I got it all put together and up in BG's room.

Ta Da!! I took apart fake flowers to make the petals on the knob. We added them to her dresser also. I like the way it turned out. It's not a super high quality nightstand, but I figure that's ok for kid furniture. This piece of furniture is a good step in the right direction of getting all the toys off the floor.


  1. That is completly adorable - COMPLETELY! I absolutely love the knob, it's too cute!

  2. yeah... it takes us that long to finish projects at our house too. Although - Carlos painted the kids bunk-beds in a day. I still have to post the before and after pics... maybe I'll do that on the day that the room is clean.... in a couple of months.....

    I like the flower knob. cute

  3. I'm so jealous of people that can look at a boring piece of furniture and see something spectacular!


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