Friday, July 23, 2010

Dear Walmart,

I'm sure you've noticed that I've been mad at you. I have refused to shop your aisles for the past few weeks. I guess I shouldn't just leave without an explanation. Really, it comes down to this; I hate that you are reorganizing your layout. I hate that I can't find anything and that I don't know where to find my needed products. I hate that you are trying to position your store to look and feel like Target. I like Target, but come on. Own your space and be proud that you are Walmart.

Even though I've refused to visit, I can't stop thinking about you. I went to another store, but gasped when I saw the receipt. It's hard to ignore the hard numbers. My budget is missing you. And so, I've come back. It appears most of the musical aisles has settled down. There was even a nice woman who offered me a map of your new layout.

I'm not entirely over our spat, but I'm willing to give you another chance.

Until next week-


  1. I really hope they heed your advice!

  2. This is pretty much what my mom goes through every week at Walmart, only with more swearing and blood pressure spikes! 'I'm NEVER going back there again!!' One week later: 'I need to go to Walmart for a few things.'

  3. Our Wal-Mart just did that same thing. OH!!! It was terrible and now that it is completed, I am just starting to find my way around. I don't know which I like best, the old or the new? But, I agree, it's the place I can afford to shop, so I continue going...sometime two or three times a day. SHHHH, don't tell anybody that I am so scatter brained that I can't get it all done in just one trip.

  4. I despise our WalMart for all the slow cashiers!!

    Our Commissary just changed the floor plan and I hate it. Every commissary is pretty much the same, the entrance is near the fresh fruits/veges, and the registers are in the middle with the far end having all the frozen products. I love that floor plan!!! But now, the frozen goods are at the entrance. Who wants to shop their frozen goods first, just to have them melt while you're shopping. Maybe I should write them a letter...

  5. I started going to the one in Saratoga Springs, it's not really any father and then I don't have to deal with the reconstruction, I can't handle that until the end of August.

  6. I had no idea they were reorganizing until I went on a "quick" trip to get fabric the other night. There's never anything quick about going to good-old walmart, but now it's worse then ever!!! UGH!!! Go back to tight aisles and's the organized chaos that keeps us coming back!


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