Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer Bounty

Have you heard of Bountiful Baskets yet? If not, you need to look into them! The are a food co-op in the Western US. You purchase a basket online on Monday and pick it up somewhere in your community on Saturday. You never know exactly what will be in your basket, but you always get 6 fruits and 6 veggies. This is what I got last week.

Look at all that goodness! Corn, watermelon, grapes, peaches, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, plums, pineapple, lettuce, and brocciflower. Whew! We usually can't eat everything in one week, so we only buy every other week.

The buyers buy local as much as possible. If they do buy from Mexico, they go to small farmers, which I like. I have been impressed with their quality, variety, quantity, and certainly price! You get all this for $15. It's really a deal. You are going to spend double that at the grocery store for all that you get. Even better, they just opened up a pick-up location in my neighborhood. Now I just mosey down the street with my stroller to get my produce. Love it!

*I am not being compensated in any way for this post. I am an actually happy customer trying to spread the love. Check their website to see if there is a site near you. If there isn't a site near you contact them about starting one.


  1. You got a pineapple? I didn't get a pineapple. We are eating our brocciflower tonight for dinner :)

  2. I keep seeing people posting about these co-ops. I need to get on board! My only concern is that with just the two of us, it will go bad before we can use it.

  3. Goodness...just add this to the list of reasons I need to move to Utah :o)

  4. Dang- that is sweet. I just checked their sight - no service in CA, but there may be another one around - a lot of produce is grown out here.
    I requested service to CA (so long as I don't have to actually be the one to bring everyone's fruit....)


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