Saturday, February 12, 2011

Happy Me Day

Today is my birthday. I am 29 (for the first time). Somehow, my hands look 80 with all the crazy dry weather.

Somewhere in the recent past, I have turned into my father because when BG asked me what I wanted to for my birthday, I told her "I want you to listen and obey." She laughed and said "No, mom. That's not a toy!" My Dad's standard answer to the What do you want question was "Good kids and a clean house."

My sweet husband arranged for a sitter tonight so we can go to dinner. Not having to find a sitter is such a great gift! I'm looking forward to a night out with JM. I think this is going to be a good year.


  1. Happy birthday Jessica!! I hope it's a great night out for you guys - you sure deserve it! :)

  2. Happy birthday, Jessica!

    Funny enough, I had a another blog friend Jessica who had a birthday yesterday, which I saw on FB, and at first, I thought it was you. Now it is!

  3. Happy birthday! Hope it was wonderful (with lots of obedience and hugs).

  4. Happy Birthday!! Enjoy the night out!!


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