Thursday, February 24, 2011


Yesterday was free day at the zoo (who knew?) so I took the kids with a friend. It was really nice weather (for Feb) and we had a great time. BG had so much fun running around, seeing the animals, and bossing her friends around.

At one point, they were both looking at the map and trying to decide where to go next. It was pretty cute to see them working together to plan out our route.

We went into the giraffe house. Blanche is old enough that she is really getting interested in seeing things. She loves to point and say "Dis, dis!" It's so amazing to watch her face as see sees and experiences something totally new for the first time.

We let the kids ride the carousel, which BG loved! When we go to the zoo on our own, we don't typically let her ride it because the line is always really long (and we're cheap). But since we got in free, I figured I could splurge for the $2 carousel ticket. Blanche loved watching the animals going around and around.

It was really fun time. It's been a while since we went to the zoo and $Free.99 is my favorite price. It was great to go with friends. BG loved having someone else to run around with.

1 comment:

  1. We took the teenagers I work with to the zoo, and they loved it! I think kids of all ages love it.


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