Sunday, April 27, 2008

Baby Ava

We have a new baby niece in the Strong family. A few weeks back, they came down from Washington so we got to meet baby Ava. She is so adorable and has such fat cheeks. Fat babies are the best!

I always forget how small they are when they first come! Lugging around a 26lb toddler makes even a 10lb newborn seem tiny.
We look pretty good as a family of four.... What do you think?
Even though he likes to deny it, Justin is great with babies. He can be called "uncle" once again.

Friday, April 18, 2008

iPod Shuffle

I saw this game on another blog and thought it was pretty funny.

Get out your iPod (or other Mp3 player) and push shuffle. Then list the top ten songs that come up. No skipping songs that you are ashamed to admit are on your iPod! Here is my list. Add yours to the comment section.

1. I can't be with you - The Cranberries
2. Stage - Live
3. Halloween - DMB
4. Find the River - R.E.M
5. Steamroller (live) - James Taylor
6. Crush - DMB
7. Mess - Ben Folds Five
8. Goodnight Elisabeth - Counting Crows
9. Just a Toy - BNL
10. My Lover's Box - Garbage

I am thinking I need to update the music on my iPod! Since I will be traveling soon with Bentley, I think there will be a large section of primary music and other preschool songs. Can you get "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" on iTunes?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Spaghetti. It's GOOD!

I don't think these pictures really need any explanation. Bentley, who is an all-around good eater, especially loves all foods messy. You can tell she really enjoyed this meal!

Even though she is holding a fork, don't let it fool you. Fingers are by FAR a much better utensil. She will hold her fork in one hand through the whole meal while eating with the other hand.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

JSD Web Launch

I am happy to announce the web launch of Jessica Strong Design! I am so excited to finally have an e-commerce website for my jewelry. I would LOVE for you to take a look, give me some feedback, and of course, buy something! (Mother's Day is coming up soon; get yourself something pretty.) Even if you don't buy, would you please put a link on your blog to my site and share it with your friends? Since the website is new, I can use all the help I can get in getting the word out.
Thanks friends!